The Comedy Ward is a syndicated comedy television program shot in front of a live studio audience.
The show features 6 comics selected from our Audition process, and they each do a 15-minute set. We shoot the program in The Comedy Ward studio with 4 cameras and multi-track audio for a top-quality professional result.
We use a crew featuring a Director, Live Camera Operators, Recording/Mixing Engineer, Lighting Director, etc. We produce the show asĀ a Hollywood network production.
We then select the top 4 comedians from the production and give them a long-form narrative-style interview shot in our relaxed bar setting. Segments from the interviews are woven into the edited comedy material in a unique way allowng viewers to learn a lot about the individual comedians.
This material is then cut into a weekly one-hour syndicated comedy program showing the best of up-and-coming new comedians deserving of your attention.